IZAUK Sesshin – FEBRUARY 6-9, with Mokuho Guy Mercier

IZAUK Sesshin – FEBRUARY 6-9, with Mokuho Guy Mercier

This will be a 2.5 day sesshin at Sheringham YHA, Norfolk to be led by Senior Zen Teacher Guy Mokuho Mercier

Led by:

Guy Mokuho Mercier, current Abbot of La Gendronnière Zen Temple

Guy Mokuho Mercier first practised zazen with Master Deshimaru in 1973. He became his disciple in 1976 after receiving monk ordination. He actively participated in the life of the sangha by organizing summer camps, taking responsibility for the kitchen (tenzo) in 1977 and 1978 at Val d’Isère, then helping set up La Gendronnière in 1979-80.

After Master Deshimaru’s death he remained active in the Paris sangha. From 1986 to 1991, he was tenzo at La Gendronnière and became head of the temple from 1991 to 1997.

In 2004 he started the Tenborin Association and in September 2008 received Dharma transmission from Sojun Matsuno Roshi. He holds sesshins in France, Spain, England and Switzerland.

About the Sesshin:

Arrival – Thursday 6th February 2025 – from 16:30 (supper at ~20:00)

Departure – Sunday 9th February, with the option to overnight, departing by 10.00am Monday 10th February


YHA Sheringham,
1 Cremer’s Drift,
Norfolk, NR26 8HX

The Youth Hostel is situated in Sheringham, off the A149 Coast Road, behind St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church. The Sheringham Youth Hostel is only a 5 minute walk from the Sheringham Train Station.


Take the train directly to Sheringham. Trains from Norwich run once an hour. Other options include travelling to and/or from Norwich via National Express, or the very cheap MegaBus – and then travelling between Norwich and Sheringham by GreaterAnglia train, or the X40, X44 or 44A bus services that run from central Norwich to Sheringham at regular intervals.

If you are planning to drive please check if you can share your car with others from your group.


Recommended: £185 (Friends of IZAUK);  £205 (Non-members)
Low wage: £160 (Friends);  £180 (Non-members)
Unwaged: £130 (Friends);  £150 (Non-members)
Those able to book and pay (either £25 deposit or in full) before the 23rd of January will receive a £20 discount.

Don’t let finances stop you from attending – Friends of IZAUK who need financial assistance to pay sesshin fees can apply for help from the IZAUK Bursary Fund – Contact John Callaghan at john@izauk.net.
All money in the Bursary Fund is donated by other members, so sometimes we may be able to give, sometimes we may need to receive.

What to bring:

  • Dark, loose-fitting clothes for zazen; a zafu and zafuton – if you have one (some will be available to borrow)
  • 3 nesting bowls  – oryoki bowls if you have them otherwise any three bowls that fit inside one another – the largest not bigger than a soup bowl)
  • a spoon and fork, and a cloth (e.g. tea towel) to wrap them in.
  • Also, clothes for work in the kitchen, gardens, etc.


 To Attend this sesshin, please register on the IZAUK Website using this link https://www.izauk.org/event-items/feb-2025-mokuho/

The event is finished.


06 - 09 Feb 2025


4:30 am - 3:30 pm


Sheringham YHA Hostal
1 Cremer's Drift
QR Code