Welcome to the London Soto Zen Group website – Affiliated with the International Zen Association
The London zen group is a small, friendly group of people who meet to practice zazen – the core practice in the Soto Zen tradition.
Silent, seated, selfless, object-less meditation, awakening to our original condition.
Soto Zen offers a quiet, disciplined practice that enables us to express our inherent wisdom, composure, and dignified presence. It encourages practitioners to pay attention to the workings of their own minds and, through the unfolding of selflessness, expand their inherent qualities of generosity, patience, kindness, perseverance, and wisdom.
Established in North London for nearly 30 and welcoming newcomers, beginners, experienced and inexperienced, of any gender, sex, orientation, race, faith (or lack thereof).
Attend an introduction the first time you come. Each intro is followed by our scheduled sitting to get you right into things.
ZOOM details are BELOW
Donations for London Zen Group
Our expenses exceed £900/month and we rely entirely on donations to keep the lights on 🙂
or consider a monthly contribution.
Our Weekly Schedule:
Arrive 10 minutes before the listed start time. Please be on time.
If you arrive late, please wait till 30 minutes after the start of zazen (at kinhin time) before ringing the bell – we will admit you at the half-way point.
- Every weekday morning – Mon-Fri : 7:00am – 8:15am
- Sunday mornings : 9:00am – 10:20am (samu, coffee/tea/chat follows)
- Introductions start at 5:50pm
- Zazen 6:30pm – 7:30pm
- Dharma study group 7:45pm – 9:00pm
- Introductions start at 6:50pm
- Zazen 7:30pm – 8:50pm
- Zazen 6:30pm – 7:05pm
- 7:10pm – Dharma Talk or Training afterwards – Socialising after that (chips and chat!!)
- INTRODUCTIONS are NOT offered on Friday Evenings.
- Introductions start at 4:20pm
- Zazen 5:00pm – 6:20pm
* Sewing (rakusus/kesas) happens most weeks on Sunday afternoons (except during summer and late december) – Please contact Lana if you are interested in attending this – it is designed for those who wish to sew for taking refuge/receiving the precepts (Jukai / Bodhisattva ordination) – or for Tokudo (monk/nun ordination).
*Calligraphy classes happen on Wednesday evenings during autumn and spring – contact Martin if you are interested in joining 🙂
Introductions, Sewing and Calligraphy are NOT OFFERED ONLINE.
Zazen and study group or talks are both online and in person!
Log Link for Zoom:
Click the link above or enter Meeting ID: 344 964 756 Passcode: 987654321