THANK YOU SO MUCH for any donation you can make to the London Zen Group. As I’m sure you know, we run entirely on donations to pay our rent, heat, electric, rates, internet, zoom, etc..
Even the group organisers contribute financially to keep the group going, in addition to giving their time freely.
Buddhist groups simply cannot survive without the continued help and support from the communities they serve.
If you would like to transfer donations directly to our bank account, please contact for our bank details.
The London Zen Group is a Registered Charity (CIO) – Number 1194847
Takuhatsu (begging) Verse
財法二施 功徳無量
壇波羅蜜 具足円満
乃至法界 平等利益
Zai hō ne se ku do ku mu ryō dan ba ra mitsu gu so ku en man nai shi hokkai byō dō re ja ku.
Translation: The virtues of the two kinds of offerings (offering the dharma, and offering things/money) are immeasurable. The perfection of generosity (dana paramita) is completed and it benefits all living beings in the entire dharma world.
As always you are, of course, free to give according to your circumstances – remember, we never want lack of money to be a barrier to practice.
Quick Donate Link:

Donate another amount or set up an automatic donation per week/month:
Sorry, the donations form is temporarily off-line due to some recent abuses .
Please use (or click) the quick donate QR code above if you wish to donate – just for the time being – or you can contact – and ask for our bank details! thanks !