Zen Nun, Yasho Valerie Gueneau, directing zazen at North London dojo this evening

Zen Nun, Yasho Valerie Gueneau, directing zazen at North London dojo this evening

Yasho Valerie Gueneau from Kanshoji temple, between running the Kesa sesshin on the weekend from 4 to 6 Oct in Derbyshire and an introduction to zazen in South-East London on Tuesday 8 Oct, will also lead an evening of zazen at the Caledonian Road dojo on Monday 7 Oct.
Zazen will start at 7.30 PM and finish around 20:45 PM. There will also be an opportunity for questions.
There is no need to register.

The event is finished.


07 Oct 2019


7:30 pm - 8:45 pm


Caledonian Road Dojo
486 Caledonian Road, Basement


Edgar Koeb
QR Code