IZAUK Sesshin at Crosby Hall with Zen Teacher Taiun Jean-Pierre Faure
This will be a 6 day sesshin at Crosby Hall, near Liverpool with Senior Zen Teacher Taiun Jean-Pierre Faure.
This sesshin will take place over 6 days and will include teisho, training and sewing. There will be ordinations during this sesshin. To be ordained means to take refuge in the Three Treasures: Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. People who want to make this commitment to the Buddha Way should contact their dojo head as soon as possible.
The IZAUK Annual general meeting is usually held on Tuesday 30th May during this sesshin
Arrival: Sunday 28th May, after 2pm and preferably by 7.30pm
Departure: The sesshin finishes Friday 2nd June. Depart by 2pm, after lunch and samu.
About the Teacher:
Taiun Jean-Pierre Faure was born in 1945 and is the father of three children. He holds a PhD in physics and has been practising zazen since 1977. He was ordained as a monk by Master Taisen Deshimaru in 1981. He created the Marrakech Dojo, then became head of the Toulon Dojo.
From 1997 to 2002 he was head of La Gendronniere Temple, and continues to be one of the leaders of the AZI. Today, he is the abbot of Kanshoji Temple in La Coquille near Limoges, France . He is a disciple of Dônin Minamizawa Roshi, vice-zenji of Eiheiji Temple in Japan, from whom, in 2003, he received Dharma transmission,
Crosby Hall Educational Trust(CHET) Centre, Back Lane, Little Crosby, Liverpool L23 4UA Click here to see a map of the location
How to Get there:
By Rail: At Lime Street station, Liverpool it’s a short walk to Central Station, Take Southport Train, every 15 minutes to Hall Road station and then 2 mile taxi ride or easy half hour walk across fields to Chet Centre. (Delta taxis 0151 924 7373)
By road: At roundabout at end of M58 ond M57 follow signpost for Bootle & Docks A5036. Get into right hand lane, turn right at lights into Copy Lane / North Perimeter Rd(Sign posted Formby A5207).Continue, Packet Steamer Travel Inn on right. Follow road around, at lights go straight over (Lydiate Lane – signposted Thorton/Crosby). On right pass cemetery, Nags Head, and Grapes Pub. At lights turn left then right at lights onto Virgins Lane. At fork in road bear left and follow road around bends. Entrance on left, CHET Centre.
Friends of IZAUK : Recommended £205 / Low-waged £155 / Unwaged £125
Non-members: Recommended £215 / Low-waged £165 / Unwaged £135
Reductions are possible for people attending for a shorter time and a £5 discount for a full payment or £25 deposit received before 18th May. Please note deposits are not normally refundable.
IZAUK members who require financial assistance to attend can apply for help from the IZAUK Bursary Fund – Contact Peter at northwaleszen@outlook.com
Loose, dark clothes for zazen, a zafu if you have one, a bowl for food and a cloth to wrap it in (eg: a tea towel), also outdoor clothing for walking.
Registration and Contact Details:
You can register on the IZAUK Webpage – by Clicking here
return this booking slip with a cheque to: John Callaghan, 15 Garmont Rd, Leeds, LS7 3LY. For further information contact John Callahan on callaghan@john043.orangehome.co.uk or 07946 476 471 (text only, please).